Managing the PowerPoint Environment

Adjust views

Manipulate the PowerPoint window

Configure the Quick Access Toolbar

Configure PowerPoint file options

Creating a Slide Presentation

Construct and edit photo albums

Apply slide size and orientation options

Add and remove slides

Format slides

Enter and format text

Format text boxes

Working with Graphical and Multimedia Elements

Collaborating on Presentations

Managing comments in presentations

Apply proofing tools

Preparing Presentations for Delivery

Save presentations

Share presentations

Print presentations

Protect presentations

Delivering Presentations

Apply presentation tools

Set up slide shows

Set presentation timing

Record presentations

Manipulate graphical elements

Manipulate images

Modify and manipulate Word Art  and Smart Art

Edit video and audio content

Creating Charts and Tables

Construct and modify tables

Insert and modify charts

Apply chart elements

Manipulate chart layouts and elements

Applying Transitions and Animations

Apply built-in and custom animations

Apply effect and path options

Apply and modify transitions between slides

Manipulate animations

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Course Overview

Users create complex slide shows, such as product plans, reports, and marketing materials. They create slide shows based on custom templates generated by others and frequently reuse slides. Their slides include sophisticated data presented in visual formats.  These users know how to pause and move back and forth in slide shows, jump to specific slides, drill down to supporting data, and mark up slides.